Stampin' Up! is offering FREE SHIPPING on all orders of $75 or more TODAY only! Qualifying $75 minimum excludes tax. Now is the perfect time to grab your wish list favorites and stock up on all your card making essentials! Don't forget to save even more with 10% OFF BUNDLES! 

LOCAL RESIDENTS: If you have an order of less than $75 and would like to get in on FREE shipping - Email me no later than 5 PM (MST) with your order to be a part of my group order going in. *That order will ship to me first then your order can be picked up at my home.  

ORDERING SPECIAL: The first three people who place an order of $75* or more and use this month's Hostess Code: RFRM6VX6 will be entered into a drawing to win a FREE GIFT from me! A stamp set of your choice! *All orders must use the hostess code listed above to qualify and be placed through my online store

Click on the button below to start shopping.
